Ermiya, Salt Lake City, Utah
I think intergenerational community is so vital because we learn so much from one another. We learn so much about present day contemporary but also our historical political climate. I think there is so much I have learned from older trans women, right? Sitting down and speaking with older women of color, they always remind that, hey, your needs are going to be different from a white trans woman’s needs. Your needs are not this monolithic thing. Your life and your journey are not a monolith. One of the most vital lessons I have learned is to go about my life and transition the way I need to personally.
Also, when it comes to older folks a lot of them have learned so much from younger generations. They’ve learned so much because of how empowering we are. How much we own our power. How much we own our differences and we own our diversity. We always say we are the most unabashedly queer generation. We are the most unapologetically female generation and we are the most racially diverse generation. I think there’s a lot that older generations can learn from that especially in today’s time. A lot of the women who are marching in Washington right now taking a stand against this Supreme Court nomination. A lot of those are young women in the for front. A lot of them are my age and younger than me who are up there very ardently fighting against this administration and there is a lot to learn from that.
*Ermiya is 18 years old, has been working on the McAdams campaign in Salt Lake City and is the co-founder of March for Our Lives Utah. Inspired by her work and words? It’s November 6, 2018. Remember to vote!