In the first half of the century, and even through the 1970’s, transgender folks were under threat of arrest due to anti-crossdressing laws. Most of the resources for trans people, or rather, self-identified transvestites and crossdressers, were found in underground magazines. Vanguard, ONE, New Trenns, and The Transvestite Magazine were some of the many DIY publications circulating since the 1960’s. In these zines were interviews, “Letters to…” advice columns, and resources for self-identified transvestites, crossdressers, and transsexuals. Some resources included how to interact with police when apprehended for crossdressing and safe places to go shopping.

Below is an interview for the magazine Vanguard with a self-identifying transvestite, Louise. In this interview, Louise explains her experience as someone medically transitioning. Vanguard poses an invasive question that questions their identity, an experience all-too-common for trans people today.
“Vanguard: Why don’t you seek psychiatric·help to adjust to manhood rather than attempt to become a female?
Louise: I 've had about 10 yrs. of psychiatric testing & consultation. The medical & psychiatric doctors now know that the mind cannot be changed when there is a condition that is this basic . That is, they cannot change a normal female into a male mentally- -- nor can they change me.”
These zines gave transvestites like Louise a platform to educate other transvestites and questioning folks. Along with interviews, it was common that zines would include a letter to the editor section where folks would write in for advice or to advertise resources to the community. Below are some entries from Transvestite Magazine and New Trenns Magazine.
Dear Cathy : I Can donate to anyone who will appreciate same, one pantsuit, three dresses. Size 18. Will personally send them to a girl who needs them. Sincerely ML-1356 Phi la., Pa.
-Transvestite Magazine, Issue #4
DEAR COUNSEL: I am naturally modest and one occasion, in bright sunlight I was afraid that the light would shine through my dress and slip. Is there some.- thing to prevent this.
ANSWER: Certainly. Ask for a shadow panel slip. This has an extra panel down the front for your protection.
-New Trenns Magazine, Issue #6
A common entry in these zines was resources on how to handle interactions with the police force. These gender outlaws kept each other safe and used zines as a platform for community protection and education on the unjust laws against their humanity.