

Little Rock, AR

“Her and my gramma have pretty much been the only stable people in my life. My mom raised us as a single mother, worked as a nurse, not making a whole lot of money and worked long hours. It was just three of us. This was before she ever got any kind of management position. But, um, we had to live with my gramma for a little bit because we had just moved into a house that we were renting and it had been on the market for years but three months after we moved in someone bought it and we had to move out. So, we stayed with her for a while because it took some time for my Mom to find us a place that was right for us and not crazy expensive. It was hard for a while. I realize that I am pretty privileged now but I didn’t grow up like that. Technically I am a privileged rich, white kid, now but my growing up was so different. My mom has always been optimistic. We could be in the worst place but she’d still be like “Oh. We got this, we have each other!” She’s always found a way to support us and loved us unconditional. She opened the first satellite ER in Arkansas and to do that she did online school. She basically came home, and like, did homework for two or three years before getting into a better place. She always had drive and I want to be just like her. I mean, I don’t want no kids! I can’t handle them but I am fourteen so maybe it’ll be different.”