Tour Dates

Tour dates are added as event items.

You could delete old events (such as at the end of a tour year), but it isn't necessary. The homepage will only show upcoming tour dates, and the main Tour page separates upcoming from past events.

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Add and name a new record

  • Click the "+" icon to start a new record
  • Set the title of the record to the City and State abbreviation

Set the dates

  • Just below the title, click on the start and end dates to open the calendar popup
  • Set the day and month
  • If there aren't more specific times
    • Set the start date time to 12:00 AM
    • Set the end date time to 11:00 PM
    • This is to ensure the calendar automatically rolls over upcoming and past events at the same time every day

Update the map

  • Select the "Location" tab at the top of the popup editor
  • Put the city and state in the appropriate field and hit your <enter> key
  • The map shouldn't require any other information to find the right city
  • If it doesn't zoom to the right location, add more information such as the zip code or a more specific address

Save & Publish

  • At the bottom of the popup editor, select "Save & Publish"