Gallery / Interviews
Interviews should be dated to reflect the interview date, not necessarily the published date (instructions below).
The most recent interviews are featured on the homepage and the main gallery page, so there's no need to select the "Featured" option when creating these posts.
Duplicate the Template
- Select the "Drafts" tab
- Click on the Template record and select "Edit"
- Don't publish or edit this record!
- Select the "Duplicate" option at the bottom.
Change the name
- Replace "Copy of Template" with the name of the interview
Replace the article image
- Select the place holder image and click "Edit"
- In the popup editor, select "Remove"
- Click the empty area and upload the image that should appear at the top of the interview article
- You need to make sure and wait for the progress bar to finish before clicking "Apply"
Change the Article Text
- Scroll down below the image and edit the article text
- This can be anything, any style, and can include other images and widgets using the Squarespace editing options, but the "City, ST" label should be left at the top in order to keep consistency across articles
Change the thumbnail image
- Select the "Options" tab at the top of the editor popup
- Select the "Remove" option for the thumbnail image
- Upload the proper thumbnail image
- This is the image that will be shown in the gallery briefs on the homepage etc.
- It should probably be the same as the main article image, but doesn't have to be
- Like the main article image, wait until the upload progress bar is finished before exiting the popup editor
Change the URL
- For interview posts, it's probably best to use a format like "year-name"
Change the Excerpt
- The excerpt should only have the city and state
- Adding more text will throw off the styling in the main gallery page
Save & Publish
- You're done!
- Click the "Save & Publish" option at the bottom of the popup editor
- Selecting "Save" will create the record but will not make it available on the website
(Optional) Edit the published date
- If you need to backdate an interview, select the record and click "Edit"
- In the popup editor, click on the published date in the bottom right
- Edit the date/time and click "Save" to exit the editor